Online Web Development Track

It takes more than knowing how to code to know web development. Our mastery-based web development track is designed to build up your proficiency one course at a time.


Intro – Get Your Feet Wet

Course Overview

Develop digital literacy by learning how to code. Understand the basics of programming and web development, and apply your knowledge via creating simple computer programmes and web sites. Also learn how technology is impacting our world, our economies, and our careers.

Estimated Time to Complete

30 – 40 hours (4 weeks)

Suitable For

Complete beginners with no prior experience.


No prerequisites, prior experience in coding is not necessary.



What You’ll Learn

Build a Static Web Page

Basic HTML and CSS Syntax, Box Model, Layout and Position

Intro to Web Application

Let’s build your first web application with Ruby on Rails

Get Started on Programming

Programming fundamentals, learn Ruby, develop your coding sense

Problem Solving

Computational thinking, solving problems with algorithms

Foundation – Dive Deeper

Course Overview

Build a solid foundation in programming and computer science. Learn and apply core concepts such as data structure, algorithm, and object oriented programming using Javascript. Also take your HTML/CSS to the next level and build mobile friendly websites with responsive web design (RWD) techniques and Bootstrap.

Estimated Time to Complete

80 – 100 hours (8 weeks)

Suitable For

Beginners who want to acquire the “super power” of programming and build a solid foundation before learning web development.


Completion of Intro Course (or completion of a proficiency assessment).



What You’ll Learn

Programming Foundation in JavaScript

Data type and structure, flow control and loops, functions

Computer Science Basics

Algorithm and problem solving, object-oriented programming, space/time complexity

Front-end Web Development

Intermediate HTML and CSS, intro to JavaScript, DOM manipulation, and events

Responsive Web Design

Build responsive web pages, Bootstrap

Application Programming Interfaces (API)

Consume third party RESTful APIs and build your own

Core – Immerse Yourself Further

Course Overview

Learn how to design, build, and launch real-world web applications using modern frameworks. Turn user specifications into product features using standard web development tools and practices.

Estimated Time to Complete

80 – 100 hours (8 weeks)

Suitable For

* Designers, product managers or entrepreneurs who are interested to build fully-functional web applications and/or improve working relationship with developers / development teams.


Completion of Foundation Module (or completion of a proficiency assessment).



What You’ll Learn


Relational database (SQL) and non-relational database (NoSQL)

Advanced JavaScript

Learn and apply asynchronous JavaScript techniques (Callbacks, Promises and Async/Await)

Build Full-stack Web Application with JavaScript

Build multiple web applications with Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and MySQL, from design, development, to deployment
Projects: URL shortener, restaurants forums, Twitter clone

Integrated 3rd Party Web API

Use AJAX to integrate 3rd party web API services to create richer applications

Application Deployment

Deploy applications to PaaS (Platform as a Service) provider

Capstone – Broaden Your Skillset and Kickstart Career Preparation

Course Overview

Gain additional proficiency in database design, separation of front-end vs. back-end, API integration techniques, application development methodologies and best practices through hands-on projects.

Estimated Time to Complete

80 – 100 hours (8 weeks)

Suitable For

People who have gone through our first three modules and are ready (and serious) about launching a new career in web development.


Completion of Core Module (or completion of a proficiency assessment).



What You’ll Learn

Advanced JavaScript

Learn web components, SPA front-end development techniques, and front-end framework Vue.js

API Server

Build your own RESTful API with authentication

Front-end Back-end Collaboration

Create full-stack applications with front-end user interface supported by back-end API

Advanced Application Development

Develop complete web products such as discussion forums, social media platforms, and e-commerce store based on design specifications

Familiarise with application development best practices such as agile, multi-stage development and test-driven development (TDD)

Career Support

Kickstart your career preparation with workshops on resume guide, interview strategy, portfolio plan

Not sure where to begin?

If you are feeling overwhelmed by all the topics, we recommend that you start with the intro course to solidify your fundamentals. Alternatively, you can apply and discuss with our admissions officer.